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Homepage> Archive> Friday 6th May 2005> Roundabout at Prospect and Holly Drive

Roundabout at Prospect and Holly Drive

The National Roads Authority's (NRA) installation of a mini-roundabout at the Y-shaped intersection of Prospect Drive and Holly Drive represents the second step in a multi-phase comprehensive traffic-calming plan for the Prospect Area. This plan is based on need as determined by traffic studies as well as resident requests.

In February 2005, the NRA implemented the first phase by placing three speed humps along Prospect Drive between Shamrock Road and Holly Drive. These have been well received, with praise coming from residents and motorists alike.

The new mini-roundabout is placed in such a way that motorists must slow down and think about their intended maneuvers, thereby reducing approach speeds. If used correctly, the advantages of a mini-roundabout are its effectiveness in reducing speeds and collisions, while also providing opportunities to enhance and improve community landscaping.

Painting it yellow to make it clear to motorists represents the next step for the mini-roundabout and the roadway and shoulder in its vicinity will also be cleaned. Road markings will then be added to better guide motorists through the intersection and the NRA will place topsoil within the mini itself, for future landscaping.

The NRA advises the public that if used correctly this mini-roundabout, in conjunction with the three speed humps, will reduce the speeds along Prospect Drive as well as provide aesthetic appeal. After a few months the NRA, in consultation with local residents, will review the new measures and their appropriateness and effectiveness in reducing speed and volume.

Traffic-calming improvements to residential roadways has become an integral part of the NRA's everyday responsibilities for Grand Cayman's residents and motorists. The NRA thanks the public for their cooperation while it continues to improve the road network.

For further information on the Grand Cayman Traffic Calming Programme, contact Mrs. Marion Pandohie of the National Roads Authority at 244-4824.